I've got the envelope here and the academy says the biggest danger to your AI program is [drumroll]... !vague bullshit!
What is AI? That might actually be a profound question, and perhaps it is like the House speaker race in that the difficulty is certainly not lack of candidates but lack of consensus and clarity. If you are blessed with success, it is going to be fueled by specificity on business value, infrastructure, algorithms, talent [coach’s clipboard folds out and the list drops to the floor]...
Emerging technology in the private sector tends to suffer from a code-switching problem - the language you need to excite and persuade is deeply unlike the language you need to build. If you don't see that both codes are there, and don't know how to speak in each, you may be in trouble.
In this video, I elaborate on these ideas and give a couple examples. One is about the old tension regarding what is fancy enough to call AI. The other is new: some of our older commentary on AI is very appropriate to #GenerativeAI in some applications and very inappropriate in others.