A prosaic idea for AI application with poetic gravity

#ArtificialIntelligence is a term that covers a lot of ground and not everyone agrees what it means. To find success in a corporate, private-sector setting you will need more specific ideas, yet you may still see a representative of your company on Bloomberg suggesting #AI is the reason your stock price should go up. Being greatly blessed with vision, I have an idea to share with you that might help you solve this problem. Better yet, I will articulate a familiar problem, a realistic yet sexy AI solution, and even a narrative as to why it could all spiral into lucrative megacorporate domination down the road.

We are often in positions where we have no choice but to produce lots of documentation about how to run the corporation, yet these efforts often undermining themselves when the mountain of documents is so large no one has time to sift through it. #RetrievalAugmentedGeneration (#RAG) is an approach to making these mountains more accessible to everyday people that involves sexy cutting edge techniques like #LargeLanguageModels and #GenerativeAI more broadly yet is also achievable and helps contains various risks and rough edges. Successful use of a technique like this leads to something like AI-as-management-enhancement that could provide a huge competitive advantage in successfully administering a larger and more diverse conglomerate - you might call it a #rhizocorp.

I should note I got the term rhizocorp from Matthew Gladden and I have not been able to discern another source from which he might have taken it. Credit is his pending further information.